Top Reasons To Hire An Albany Employment Lawyer
Many people think that getting a job today is difficult, but keeping it can prove just as difficult There are plenty of things that can go wrong in the workplace, and things don’t always fall in your favour. In such situations, having a professional guide you through the process and represent you in court can ensure that you keep your job or receive the right compensation. Keep reading to learn a few of the top reasons why you need to hire an Albany employment lawyer if you live or work on the North Shore in Auckland.
The primary reason to hire an employment lawyer is to give you sound employment law advice. Some of the most common cases handled by an employment lawyer include discrimination, sexual harassment, wrongful termination of your job, and employment contracts. As the employment laws in NZ are very complex and must follow a strict path, employers often make mistakes when disciplining staff, in relation to Employment Agreements, or trying to fire someone. As a result, it is very easy for a business to break employment laws, in which case you have all the reason to take your case to a qualified employment lawyer.
Many people who deal with the problems mentioned above first go through the Human Resources department in an attempt to settle the issue. However, this isn’t always the best way forward since, even though they are supposed to protect your rights, they are also supposed to protect the company’s rights too. It could be safe to assume that they are not working with your best interests in mind.
What Can An Albany Employment Lawyer Do?

An employment lawyer can speed up the process and help you settle the case in a timely and efficient manner. You can rest assured that the lawyer’s experience and expertise in handling these cases can help you save your job. It’s even possible for the lawyer to negotiate with your employer so that the case does not have to go to court
Other common issues where people hire an employment lawyer include, attempted changes to an employment contract, redundancy, changing job descriptions, harassment and many others. These are just some of the benefits of hiring an employment lawyer. While this requires shelling out money, it pays to remember that the return you can receive is much greater especially if you consider the long term benefits of keeping your job.
For more information about an Albany employment lawyer, try McVeagh Fleming and Co.
Albany criminal lawyer
May 4th, 2016
When Do You Need To Hire A Good Criminal Lawyer
From time totime people find it necessary to hire a criminal lawyer. There are many different circumstances when this might be so including times when they have even been wrongfully accused of committing a crime. If you live on the North Shore of Auckland and have been charged with a criminal offence then you need to talk to an Albany criminal lawyer as soon as possible.
A local criminal lawyer will be able answer the many questions you probably have. More importantly, he or she will be there to represent you whenever you are being questioned by the authorities.
Your criminal lawyer can let you know if any actions you took did actually constitute a crime. They will be able to advise you of your position and what to expect if you did commit the crime. He or she can help you prepare a legal defence or negotiate the penalty being sought against you.
What types of offenses need the attention of a criminal lawyer?
There are many and they include:
- Driving while under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances. These offenses are often referred to as DWI (driving while intoxicated or impaired) and DUI (driving under the influence).
- Any type of theft. This includes shoplifting as well as stealing from an employer.
- Burglary or breaking and entry into property.
- Assaulting and/or battery of another person.
- Illegally causing the death of another person such as in manslaughter and murder.
- Possessing or using illegal drugs.
- Crimes involving juveniles.
Remember, it is very important you explain all the details of your case to your criminal lawyer so that he or she may design a solid defence strategy. It is your lawyer who will be speaking for you if your case ends up going to trial so they need to know all of the details to be able to present the best case possible.
How do you go about finding a good criminal defence lawyer?
There are many things for you to consider and avenues to explore.
First off, if you have a regular lawyer that you have used in the past, you should begin by getting his or her recommendation. If they themselves do not practice criminal law, the will know someone who does.
Many other people get recommendations from their friends, people they work with, or any family members who may have had experience with criminal cases. You can also review a number of lawyers online.
The important thing is to get a lawyer who is very experienced in criminal law in your area to work on your case. The importance of experience cannot be stressed too highly.
A criminal lawyer who has had years of experience dealing with the justice system in your area knows the local police as well as the local prosecutors and court system. That makes them better equipped to present your case through the legal maze that is criminal justice.
If you have been accused of committing a crime, including any of those mentioned above, it is vitally important you get good legal representation. If you have been charged with breaking the law, you need to hire a criminal lawyer. Your future can depend on it
For people living or working on the North Shore, McVeagh Fleming has an excellent reputation for working as a criminal lawyer. Contact them via their website.
Auckland debt recovery lawyer
May 4th, 2016
Hire A Debt Recovery Lawyer To Improve Your Cash-flow

As a business owner, you need to make sure that your cash-flow is always positive. Collecting the money that is owed to you is not always easy, especially if you have a lot of accounts to manage. There are different strategies you can use such as sending reminders when a payment is due and charging late fees to encourage your debtors to pay in time. However, you should consider using the services of a debt recovery lawyer if you have a hard time collecting on some accounts.
Debt recovery lawyers can help you save a lot of time by handling your delinquent accounts. Collecting the money that is owed to you is not easy when a debtor is ignoring you or simply refusing to pay what they owe. This type of situation can become frustrating and you probably have a lot of other important things to deal with.
A debt recovery lawyer can help you collect the money that is owed to you by establishing a dialogue with your debtors. Your debtors will be more likely to talk to a lawyer because they will take them seriously and understand that there could be legal consequences if they refuse to pay what they owe.
A specialist lawyer will be able to set up a payment plan with your debtors or will find another option that allows you to recover your money. A lawyer will also help you find a better way to manage your account and advise you on when you should start taking action to collect on an account to avoid wasting any time and keep your cash-flow in the positive.
There are some practices that cannot be used to collect debts because they are considered as unethical. A debtor could file a lawsuit against you if you use a method that could be considered as harassment. A lawyer will know which methods can be used and which ones would be considered as harassment so that you can avoid finding yourself in this difficult situation.
A lawyer who specialises in debt recovery can help with other aspects of your business, such as your account management system and your credit allocation strategy. If your business is currently in debt and you have a hard time managing your cash flow, a specialized lawyer will be able to help you improve the way you manage your cash flow and will advise you on how to get out of debt.
You should start looking for a good debt recovery lawyer in your area if you have some accounts that you need to collect on. This is a great way to keep your cash-flow in the positive without having to deal with collection yourself. The right lawyer will get results and will also advise you on how to collect the money owed to you in the future. This is your best option if you have a number of accounts that are unpaid or if you need help with managing the debt of your business while maintaining a positive cash-flow.
For businesses in New Zealand one highly recommended Auckland debt recovery lawyer, is McVeagh Fleming and Co. They have offices in the Auckland CBD and also in Albany.
Auckland bankruptcy lawyer
April 4th, 2016
Bankruptcy Lawyer – All You Need To Know About Your Debts and Harassing Creditors
Almost any person who falls behind in payment of their bills will, at some point or another, receive a call from a creditor. In some instances these calls may be friendly, but more often than not they are very unfriendly. While laws have been put in place to protect people from harassing calls at work or at home, these regulations are not always considered by debt collectors. In fact, they are very willing to browbeat, threaten, and take unpleasant courses of action to collect the money owed. Worryingly, there are individuals who believe their methods are viable – obviously, these individuals have not been on the receiving end.
In order to avoid these harassing calls and demands, many consumers will cave-in to the outrageous requests believing that the threatening calls will end; however, this is not always the case. In fact, if one creditor is contacting you the chances are that another will soon make contact. When a person files for bankruptcy, it is unlikely that one will receive any harassing calls to the home; however, it may take a period of time before creditors are made aware of the action and some contact may be made during the time before they have been notified. Of course, if they continue to contact you after being notified of personal bankruptcy it is possible to hold the creditor legally accountable.
In order to provide evidence of paying debt or filing for personal bankruptcy, it is essential that the debtor (that’s you) maintain relevant documentation. By relevant documentation we are referring to the information associated with the payment or bankruptcy. Furthermore, it is advisable that the debtor maintain a record of names, dates and times of creditor calls received after the creditor is notified of personal bankruptcy. If this occurs, it is necessary to contact an attorney with the information and allow them to deal with the creditor via the appropriate legal channels.
When considering the option of bankruptcy, it is important to take various issues into account while you research this drastic step. There are different degrees of bankruptcy in New Zealand – click the link for more information.
The different types of insolvency have different outcomes and can apply to a range of levels of debt. For example, No Asset Procedure is an alternative to bankruptcy for those with debts between $1000 and $47,000.
Although creditor bankruptcy may seem a viable solution if you are looking to avoid paying current debt, it is not recommended that you choose this option unless you have no other choice available. If you choose to declare creditor bankruptcy this will be placed on your financial record and it may be difficult to rebuild a positive credit score; therefore, bankruptcy should always be considered a last resort.
Before making a decision, you should talk to a bankruptcy lawyer who will be able to explain the implications of any decision. They may even be able to help you negotiate your debts with your creditors.
For an Auckland bankruptcy lawyer who can help, contact McVeagh Fleming.
Carpet for an NZ rest-home
October 24th, 2014
Choosing a carpet for an NZ rest-home
To the man in the street, the requirement for a carpet for a rest-home would appear the same as any other carpet. Actually, things are very different. If people were to look at the options available in just home carpeting alone, then they would realise the variety in carpeting that is available in the market. So too are the options available in rest-home carpet. Not only is the carpet different from the regular residential carpeting, but there are also numerous options available within the rest-home carpet category.
Why does the rest-home carpet have to be different?
The carpet needs to be different simply because the usage patterns are very different from the average home use. In the domestic usage, there are fewer people using the carpet. There would be the immediate family members, a few visitors and the fewer still tradesmen that use the average home carpet. Moreover, for most part of the working day, these people would not be in the home, thereby leaving the carpet free of traffic.

In a rest-home, there are few times that the carpet is not being used. Many more people than the average home use it on a daily basis. There is a significant increase in the trades people who provide services, deliveries etc. Of course there are the workers and carers that look after the residents. And of course, the residents themselves who will be in the home for far longer than regular people in their house or apartment.
To top it all the usage that the carpet is put to in a rest-home has a different pattern to it. There could be wheel chair bound residents, and others who use a walking stick or frame. All of these aids tend to put more pressure and wear on the carpet especially those in high traffic pathways or corridors.
Cleaning causes more wear
As the traffic and usage of the carpet increases the frequency and mode of cleaning the carpet also differs. The residents being elder citizens would tend to spill fluids and food onto the carpet more than adults in a regular domestic setting. This calls for a more through and strenuous cleaning regimen than the average home. Also the frequency of cleaning too is more in the case of a rest-home carpet.
The methods used for cleaning too is much more harsh with powerful disinfectants and other cleaning agents are used on the rest-home carpet compared to the home carpet. In addition to the strength of the cleaning agents, the frequency is much higher too. Rest-homes are cleaned almost every day as compared to the weekly cleaning of the average home.
All these do take a toll on the life of the rest-home carpet and calls for a higher standard carpet to be used
Factors in deciding upon a rest-home carpet

Given the strenuous life cycle of the rest-home carpet, it makes it all the more sense to use an enduring one. A carpet with a nylon base is really tough and much more hard wearing than other fibre materials. Nylon being extremely durable and would stand up to more wear and tear that the carpet would be put to. It also has the added advantage of being waterproof.
Since a synthetic material like nylon is highly inflammable, the carpet need to be treated with some fire retarding chemicals. It is also treated for colour fastness.
However another common problem for rest home managers is that odours that can develop. This is often due to the spillages that were mentioned before. Food or drink can easily get trodden into the fibre of the carpet and begin to slowly rot. To overcome this it is recommended to get specialist treatments for rest home carpet that are resistant and neutralise unpleasant odours.
There are a lot of factors that need to be considered in making a carpet that will last longer than a standard commercial or domestic carpet. But inevitably these improvements and treatments also come with an increase in the price. You need to work out the cost benefit of the initial investment compared to the longer life and better maintenance as well as the health benefits for the residents. If you contact a professional rest home carpet supplier, they will be able to help you with assessing the cost advantages of using specialist rest-home carpet in NZ aged-care facilities.
Key Factors to Consider When Installing Carpeting in Schools
September 12th, 2014
Key Factors to Consider When Installing Carpeting in Schools

School Boards and Trustees frequently have to consider installing carpets in schools and classrooms or other areas within the school such as reception areas. This is not just for a better presentation of the classes but also creates a healthier and more productive learning environment. Good carpeting will make the room feel warm, reduce slips, and making the place more inviting during the cold and wet days. It also contributes to more concentrated learning as noise reverberation is significantly reduced.
Selecting the Right Carpeting
Colour is one factor that has a big influence when selecting carpets for schools. The choice of colour will depend on a number of factors including the teaching environment. Bright colours will always liven up the room, but they may be hard to maintain if the room has a heavy traffic producing dirt which will show up on the lighter colour. An option is to have a brightly coloured floor covering that also has dark patterns so that can aid to hide the stains or marks from the heavy foot traffic. The patterns can be simple designs or even the school logo.
Parts of the school such as the locker rooms or entrance ways experience very heavy traffic; stain resistant carpeting is the best choice for such areas. Carpeting come in different formats from traditional broadloom rolls of carpet to more modern carpet tiles squares. Both of these types can be found in a variety of materials in different thicknesses, durability, and various resistance treatments.
Other areas are more likely to be subjected to spillages such as eating areas. These need to have stain and moisture resistant treatments.
You must also take into account the Ministry of Educations requirements for fire safety materials.
Costs and Upkeep
Cost of the carpeting is possibly the most important factor that will determine the type of carpets the school will get. The school boards will look at costs in respect to other important aspects such as quality and durability. The best choice is carpets that can last over 10 years taking into account the wear and tear associated with general cleaning and maintenance. Janitors will be at hand to do most this work. But it is also advisable to have thorough cleaning at least once a year. Hence, schools should higher professional cleaners to come do a complete cleaning of the carpets when the schools close for the holidays. Issue like effects of direct sunlight, tough stubborn stains, and the use of special cleaning solution play a huge influence on the appearance of the carpet, which is why professional cleaning as well as some bit of repairs is necessary.
The Benefits of Using Carpet Tiles
One of the highly recommended carpeting options for schools is carpet tiles. They are single square pieces of carpet that are laid individually onto the floor. Some are self-adhesive, other need glue applied to the floor underneath while others simply lay on the floor below.
They can be linked together to form a pattern or you can use a single colour; the options are limitless. School carpet tiles are simple to install, clean, and repair. Most tiles are easy to replace in case they are worn out, which is not the same case with standard carpets that must be completely replaced if a section of the carpet is extensively damaged. Carpet tiles also come in various designs, qualities, patterns, and colours. Manufactures can even do school logos or emblems on the tiles if requested by the school.
Finding School Carpets in NZ
Looking for a good and reputable carpet supplier can be a daunting task even for a school. While there are plenty of domestic carpet suppliers but there are not so many commercial carpet outlets. This makes it rather had to find a potential and reliable supplier. However, one that you can try which specialises in school carpet tiles in Auckland and the whole of New Zealand is Carlisle Carpeting.
Carpet tiles are easy to install, clean, maintain and even replace which makes them ideal for use in schools. They do more than just offer a covering for the floor. They add an aesthetic value to the appearance of the school while improving the traction on the feet of the pupils thus reducing the chances of slipping. They even improve the overall safety of the environment along the corridors, canteen, library, administration block, locker rooms, and classrooms. Bear these factors in mind when installing carpets in schools.
Carpet Tiles For Aged Care Facilities
August 12th, 2014
Carpet Tiles For Aged Care Facilities
Carpet tiles, also known as carpet squares, are an excellent way to spruce up your business or home. If you manage an aged care facility, carpet tiles are a great way forward. You can either hire a company to install them or turn it into a quick and easy do it yourself project. You will be able to make a very dramatic statement either way in the space’s decor for a small amount of money.
Carpet Tiles For Aged Care Facilities Are Very Easy To Use
With all the high traffic and spills of beverages like coffee and tea, carpet tiles for aged care facilities will get damaged or soiled in some areas at some stage. Although only a small portion of the carpet might be damaged or stained, it is expensive to replace the whole carpet. Similarly, if you try to replace a damaged area, then it is both costly and the new piece will stand out from the used area around it. Assembling carpet squares instead makes it very easy to maintain the carpet and creates an attractive look and feel as well. The carpet tiles can be put together to make your very own geometrical design. Matching colours can be used to create unique looking carpet designs if you are creative. Whenever there are furniture marks or a spill, the carpet tiles can simply be removed and replaced with a new tile.
Carpet Tiles Are Very Inexpensive To Use
Changing carpet tiles for aged care facilities is much less expensive than replacing wall-to-wall carpeting. Modular carpet has an innovative style that will give your interior a much more stylish appearance. When you have a big area to tile, compact tile might not be your best choice since it takes a long time to get it to fit. Buying lots of tiles is also more expensive. Having big tiles in large places looks good, while having smaller tiles in a little home looks great. The size of tiles that you choose should be based on how large the room is. So an office may need smaller tiles will a large dining room would look better if you installed bigger carpet tiles. This will give you the most attractive appearance and will also make it easy to keep your carpets clean and well-maintained.
Tiling a room can be very enjoyable. You can get as creative as you’d like. First, create a design of the room’s carpet tile on a sheet of paper. Use lines, rectangles and squares in two to three colours. You will be able to create harmony if you choose matching colours. If you are tiling a square room, use square tiles. That way, the interior of your aged care facility will have an aesthetically balanced look. Check the wall and ceiling colour to that you can blend the carpet so that it goes well with all of the room’s interior design elements.
Carpet Tiles For Aged Care Facilities Will Save You Money
Making an economical carpet choice will be very much appreciated by all who value saving money. Inflation is high these days, and it costs a lot of money to run an aged care facility. Smart tiles have begun to surpass traditional broadloom carpets because of the savings and diversity in designs that they offer. For health reasons, tiles are also great. Whenever someone spills food or a beverage, bacteria can build up. It can be very challenging getting rid of these bacteria. However, with carpet tiles, all you need to do is remove the specific tile or tiles where the spill was and then wash it and replace it. Or you can just replace the carpet tile with a new one.
Carpet Tiles Are Environmentally Responsible
Aged care facilities carpet tiles are also good for the environment. When a tile gets damaged, you don’t have to get rid of the entire carpet. You just have to throw out the one carpet tile. Tiles will give your aged care facility a very nice looking appearance. Before selecting your tiles, consider all of your options. Always choose colors that will flow nicely through the whole interior of your aged care facility.
For your office, match the modular carpet square colour with those of the ceiling and walls. You also can attempt to match the colour with the furniture in the room, to give your interior a very uniform and attractive look. Interiors that are tastefully designs will display a great aesthetic sense. There are two main reasons why tiles are used in modern offices. First, it is easy to replace them when they get soiled. Second, it makes it easy for technicians to lay wires when necessary.
Carpet Tiles Are Great For Commercial Use And Offices
Carpet tiles, when compared to traditional wall-to-wall carpeting, offer many benefits in commercial and healthcare environments such as an aged care facility. You are able to choose from a wide variety of styles and designs. Carpet enhances how you office space looks and feels. You can choose from interlocking, dry-backed and self-adhesive tiles to create comfortable work spaces for both employees and patients.
Freedom of movement provides for better performance and productivity. Carpet tiles are more cost effective and easy to clean. They also minimise noise levels for facilities located close to high traffic zones. In addition, they can help to prevent injuries from occurring close to staircases.
Carpet wholesalers offer a wide range of the highest quality carpet tiles, in addition to replacement services for damaged tiles and full floors. Carlisle Carpet is among the most respected commercial carpet wholesalers in New Zealand. Visit their website for more details.
Carpet Tiles for Office Fit-outs
July 12th, 2014
Why I Decided to Use Carpet Tiles for Office Fit-outs
There are many things a business owner has to keep in mind when undertaking an office fit-out. Many of the time things can get out of hand as the business owner is confused as to what needs the highest priority in the fit-out. Staff will be clamouring for different aspects to meet their own preferences. Plus the accountant will be applying pressure about spending. As most business owners know, presentation is everything and when that is neglected a business is almost sure to fail in one respect or another. Thus, one of the key aspects that a business owner has to be mindful of is the flooring of the office space. Carpet tiles in an office fit out are truly the superior option for any business owner to use when deciding what flooring they want for their office.

There are many inherent problems with going with traditional carpet when doing an office fit-out. First of all is the fact that carpet is very expensive. This is especially true for the better quality carpets on the market which are made with high quality cotton materials. When going with carpet tiles, this cost is reduced significantly. Carpet tiles can be made of much cheaper and more durable materials such as synthetics and vinyl materials. Choosing a cheaper material is better for the business and leaves more money to be spent on potential profit garnering investments.
Another factor about choosing carpet tile flooring is the ease of replacement. One very large problem in large office spaces is spills and carpet damage. Having a large number of employees working at the office will often lead to the occasional spill onto the carpet. This can have disastrous effects for the business if the stain is left untreated, and thus must be dealt in an instant. If the flooring was regular carpet, then professionals would have to be hired and they would usually take a few days to replace the carpet area.

This is not a problem when using carpet tiles. Carpet tiles are installed as tiles and therefore can be easily removed just like regular tiles. They often incorporate a feature which allows them to be removed without the use of a professional. In fact, even the employee them-self who made the damage or stain will be able to remove and replace the tile without the help of anyone else. Such a thing makes productivity in the office much better in the long run.
Making the office space clean and tidy is the highest priority for any business owner in regards to a new office fit-out. So, as stated, making sure that the flooring is good is definitely very important for a better business experience.
It is well accepted in business that making sure that office presentation is professional works wonders for a company. If the appearance of the office is below standard even in such a small aspect as a small stain in the flooring, business can suffer significantly. If a prospective business partner was to meet the company owner in their office, and the potential colleague notices a stain on the flooring of the office, his view of the firm will drop significantly. This could lead to huge costs to the business as potential dealings will not go through and may lead to sackings of certain employees as they have become redundant.

As we can see there are many reasons why any business owner needs to be very shrewd when it comes to flooring. The proprietor needs to go for carpet tiles instead of regular broadloom carpet if they wish to have better profits for the business and build a stronger image in the community. In addition, carpet tiles can be much cheaper than regular carpet which will allow for greater profits in the business.
For your next office ft-out, carpet tiles will be a good option. If you want more details about the range of office carpet tiles in NZ, Carlisle is one of the biggest suppliers of office carpet tiles. They can advise on style, design and the type that will suit your office. You can see some examples at their website. Click here for some ideas.
Carpet Tiles For Office Use
June 13th, 2014
Carpet Tiles For Office Use You Will Like
If you have a business and you are thinking about changing the interior decor, one of the easiest ways to do this is to change your floor covering. This can be expensive but if you already have carpet tiles laid, then it can be a lot more affordable.

If you are trying to put in a new office or expanding your current one, you might want to consider matching all of your tiles by getting everything new. In this article, we will show you how to get carpet tiles for office use that will not only match your decor, but save you quite a bit of money as a result of finding distributors and wholesalers that specialise in commercial carpet tiles.
Different Types Of Carpet Tile
Before you go out and purchase new tiles from a company just to get the job done, you might want to consider all the different types that are available. For instance, if you are primarily doing something indoors, this will be very different than the types of tile that you will want to get for any outdoor setting. In most cases, carpet squares that are used outside are much more durable and can withstand the weather regardless of where you happen to live. Therefore you need to make be sure you get the right type of tile to prevent accidents in your workplace. However, if you’re just looking for something for your office, you can simply get indoor ones. These can have the right texture and colour that will either match your corporate identity or provide a harmonious working environment. There are loads of choices available.
Adhesives For Floor Tiles
Another thing to consider is the type of adhesive that you are going to use in order to fix your tiles down. Unlike regular broad-loom carpet which is simply rolled out and fixed via stretchers and staple guns, you will use some type of adhesive, just like ceramic or vinyl tiles, to put them into place. Make sure that if you are doing this for yourself that you ask the person at the home improvement store which type of adhesive is best for heavy-use carpet squares. If you use the wrong type, especially that which is used for ceramic or stone tiles, it may not adhere to the tiles and you may be left with quite a mess to sort out at a later date.
The Difference between Indoor And Outdoor Carpet Tiles
When you look at outdoor carpet tile, it will be a little flatter and feel much more durable and solid. In regard to indoor carpet tiles, if you were walking barefoot over it, it is going to have a nice soft feeling instead. What you want to do is make sure that you have a proper balance between a commercial quality carpet tile and one that you will definitely enjoy looking at and walking on. In general terms, the more durable the tile is, the more money you will end up paying.
Finding Commercial Carpet Tiles

You will not find higher grade carpet tiles in a regular carpet store or warehouse. To buy these you need to locate commercial suppliers and distributors. There are a number of commercial carpet outlets in Auckland such as Carlisle Commercial Carpets although this company does operate all over NZ.
They can advise on styles, patterns and arrange the measuring too so that you do not end up with too many spare tiles. While it is possible for most people to lay this tpye of carpeting, in all honesty, it will take an amateur much longer than a professional. And also, which business owner can afford to spend time crawling around on the floor. So Carlisle also have highly-trained carpet fitters who can lay your new flooring for you. This way you will have much better finish and get it done in half the time.
Commercial Carpet Tiles: Choosing The Best One
May 11th, 2014
It is well known that commercial carpet tiles are hard-wearing but in recent years there has been an increase in the range of styles and patterns available so that now they can be an attractive floor covering in your office or retail outlet.
However, choosing the best commercial quality carpet tiles for your business is not a simple topic since there are many factors to take into account. Increasingly one factor is that of comfort for both customers and staff especially if they are standing for long periods on the carpet tiles. Your staff will feel tried if their feet or legs start to ache. And if they are too tired or uncomfortable they will not be able to serve your customers as well as they should. This will affect your bottom line profits.
Foot traffic
The type of carpet tile you choose will depend on the sort of foot-traffic it will receive. For example, if your customers are in a dirty location or one that is likely to get wet, then they will bring in mud, grist and other particles which can quickly ruin or at least mark your carpet tiles. Therefore, if your location is one with higher levels of dirt or a chance of excess particulates, then you will need to find tougher grades of carpet tile.
These will be more expensive than standard commercial grade carpet tiles so, you should budget for that in your specification.
Just like any other project, it is essential that you budget correctly when you are looking for a new floor covering. It is easy to over spend or buy add-ons which you may not really need. On the other hand, you should not scrimp and pick the cheapest just because the price is lower. You will be wise to select a carpet tile supplier that offers the tiles you need even if they are a bit more expensive than some other wholesalers.
It is much better to have a higher budget that will provide the right outcome for you rather than being short of the required amount of money.
Replacement or Upgrade Cost
One sure thing in business is that things will wear-out over time, especially if they receive high usage. So ask your carpet supplier what they expect the life of your carpet tiles might be in your particular situation. That way you can plan for replacement costs. With carpet tiles, it is much easier to replace the parts that have worn out compared to a broad loom carpet. Also, since you may only need to replace certain smaller areas, this will not have a major disruptive effect on your business.
Carpet quality
As with most products, under most circumstances, the amount you should spend in usually does reflect the quality. However, you still need to do your homework and make sure the price you are paying does reflect the quality of the goods you are buying.
Carpet style
One thing that has changed a lot in the last few years is the extent of the colours, designs and styles of carpet tiles. There are many more to choose from now. While this gives you more choice, it can make to more difficult to come to a decision. However, in general, this breadth of range does mean that most people or companies will be able to find carpet tiles to suit their commercial application.
Finding commercial carpet tiles in New Zealand
There are plenty of carpet tile distributors and fitters around New Zealand but not all offer commercial grade carpet tiles so be sure that any company you talk to supplies industrial quality carpet tiles.
One carpet distributor that specializes in commercial carpeting of all types is Carlisle Carpets in Auckland but operates all around New Zealand. They have a wide range of carpet tiles and experienced carpet fitters too. There are more details here for you.